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Monday, August 26, 2013

Geert Wilders Party Member, Arnoud van Doorn, Accepts Islam

أَشْـهَدُ أَنْ لا إِلـهَ إِلاّ الله ، وَأَشْـهَدُ أَنَّ مُحَمّـداً عَبْـدُهُ وَرَسـولُه

“I bear witness that there is no deity but Allah and I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and messenger”
By this phrase the ex-member of Geert Wilders’s right-wing anti-Islam Freedom Party, Arnoud van Doorn, surprisingly declared his conversion to Islam.
Via his account on the famous social networking site,Twitter, Arnoud announced in Dutch his‘Nieuwe start’ (New start) as a Muslim. The news was confirmed in Dutch news as well.
The news is one of the latest breaking in the Netherlands.
Till the end of 2011, Arnoud van Doorn was a member of the fiery, far-right, anti-Islam, anti-immigration Partij voor de Vrijheid (PVV) Dutch party.
On February 27, 2013, Arnoud posted a tweet in Arabic declaring his Shahadah (Testimony of Faith): Ashhadu an-la ilaha illallah, wa ashhadu anna Muhammadan abduhu wa rasuluhu (I bear witness that there is no deity but Allah and I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and messenger).
The phrase is known as the First Pillar of Islam that in order for a person to be a Muslim this conviction is firstly needed.
Given his previous explicit views on Islam, Arnoud’s story was a shock to many who doubted and harshly criticized the announcement, which is still a subject of debate on twitter. In another tweet, he expressed his grief and discomfort with ‘the many hateful comments on social media’.
Arnoud account was deluged with hundreds of followers and positive comments backing and congratulating his choice. To them he posted a late tweet in both English and Arabic expressing his gratitude: ‘Thanks for all the support!’
In face of strong attacks on Twitter, Arnoud declined to comment on the reasons or circumstances behind his conversion, confirming that the choice is his own and that his religion was ‘a matter of privacy’.
Arnoud van Doorn12 300x300 Geert Wilders Party Member, Arnoud van Doorn, Accepts Islam
We all welcome Arnoud to Islam and ask God to guide him to His right path.
He just stated that more details about his conversion will be released soon.
And it is…
In an interview with Al-Jazeera.net, Doorn made it quite certain confirming the truth of his conversion, and thus removing  the spreading doubts about it.
‘Anyone who knows me closely can just predict the decision. For more than a year now I have been learning deeply about Islam through books and talks.
‘No doubt, other than those close, many are shocked by the decision, particularly those who know of my anti-Islam stands. And this is why they are questioning it.’
source here >>>

Monday, August 19, 2013

7 Things That May Surprise You About Muhammad

OPINION of Lesley Hazelton

Everyone knows his name. He was, and still is, one of the most influential figures of all time, yet most of us have little real sense of the man himself. A favorite question of those asking about my new book, "The First Muslim," is thus what surprised me most in my research. Or rather, what might surprise them. Here's a shortlist:
1. He was born an orphan. 

His father died without knowing he had a son, and Muhammad was farmed out to Beduin foster parents for the first five years of his life, returning to his mother in Mecca for only a year until she also died. The 6-year-old was left on the margins -- an outsider within his own society. He was put to work as a camel boy on the trade caravans to Damascus, and though he eventually made his way up to become a business agent, could never take his place in the world for granted.

2. He married up -- and for love. 

The widowed Khadija was 40, he was 25, and since she was his employer, it was she who proposed to him. Some scholars have assumed that the "wealthy widow" syndrome was at work here, but early accounts indicate a marriage of mutual love and respect -- a monogamous one that lasted 24 years until her death. He'd mourn her until his own death 13 years later.

His nine late-life marriages were mainly means of diplomatic alliance and of securing his base, as was customary for any leader of the time. It's striking that though he'd had five children with Khadija (four daughters, and a son who died in infancy), he'd have none with any of the later wives.

3. His first reaction to becoming a prophet? Doubt and despair. 

He was terrified by the first Quranic revelation, which happened on a mountain just outside Mecca in the year 610, when he was 40. In his own reported words, the pain was so intense that he thought he was dying. Convinced that he was either delusional or possessed, since it seemed impossible that someone like him could be a prophet, his first impulse when he found himself still alive was to try to finish the job himself and leap off the mountain to his death.

4. He led an early form of Occupy Wall Street.

His message constituted a radical protest against the corruption and arrogance of the Meccan elite. As both a pilgrimage and trading hub, the city had combined piety and profit to become a kind of seventh-century bull market. Muhammad's ongoing revelations demanded social and economic justice, and this provoked intense opposition from the city's rulers (as did his outrage at the preference for sons over daughters and the ensuing practice of female infanticide). The intent was reform, but those in power saw it as a subversive call for revolution.

5. He was a pacifist -- at first. 

For 12 years, he took a proto-Gandhian stance of passive resistance to organized harassment of him and his small group of followers in Mecca -- "these nobodies" as his opponents called them. The Quranic revelations constantly urged him to "reply to foolish mockery with words of peace," to "pay no attention," and to "turn your face away" -- words one sometimes wishes more of his followers heeded today. When the assaults became physical as well as verbal, he refused to fight back or to allow his followers to do so. In the year 622, the attacks culminated in a concerted attempt on his life, forcing him into exile in Medina, 200 miles to the north.

His eventual decision to take up arms in exile was highly ambivalent - the result of political pressure as he assumed political as well as spiritual leadership. In fact the first of the three battles he'd lead against Mecca began as much by miscalculation as by intent. Yet even after his home city accepted his leadership in a negotiated surrender and welcomed him back -- the outsider transformed within eight years into the ultimate insider -- he'd never return to live there, but would stay in Medina.

6. He knew how to say he was wrong.

He acknowledged his own fallibility, most notably in the now infamous case of "the Satanic verses," when he tried to mend the rift between himself and his opponents by acknowledging their totem gods as intercessors with the one supreme god. When he realized that he'd been tempted into betraying his principles and that there could be "no partners with God," he had the courage and integrity to publicly declare his mistake.

7. His tragic failure came at the end.

He died without designating a successor. In the absence of a son, many thought it crucial that he make his wishes unequivocally clear, but though his final illness lasted 10 days (the duration and symptoms seem to indicate bacterial meningitis), he never did so. Ironically, the prophet of unity -- one god, one people -- thus paved the way for the divisiveness between Sunni and Shiite that persists today.

source >>>

The Future of Islam - Dr. Sh. Tareq Al-Suwaidan

12 Nov 2011 | Astounding lecture by Dr. Sh. Tareq Al-Suwaidan on the future of our religion at Sydney, Australia.

Dr. Tareq Mohammed Al-Suwaidan (Arabic: طارق محمد السويدان‎; born November 23, 1953) is a Kuwaiti entrepreneur, Islamic author, speaker and director of the arabsat TV channel Alresalah as well as a leader of the Kuwati Muslim Brotherhood . He is well-known in the Middle East and in Muslim communities throughout the world for his management/strategic planning training, motivational speaking and television shows and appearances. According to Forbes magazine (Arabic edition: Forbes Arabia), Al-Suwaidan ranks second in annual net income among Islamic speakers in the Muslim world with an estimated net profit of $1 million in 2007.Al-Suwaidan was trained in the classical Islamic sciences in his youth and lived and studied in the United States, having received a B.S. in petroleum and natural gas engineering from Penn State University and an M.Sc. and Ph.D. in petroleum engineering from the University of Tulsa.He currently resides in Kuwait with his wife and six children.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Tanda-tanda lailatul Qadar dari hadis sahih

1. Pada malamnya bulan kelihatan seperti separuh jafnah (jafnah; bekas makanan berbentuk bulat seperti pinggan besar atau talam)” (Soheh Muslim, 1170/222).

2. Malamnya tenang, tenteram dan sentosa (Al-Jami’ as-Saghier; 7728, menurut as-Suyuti; hasan. Musnad Ahmad; 22765, hasan).

3. Malamnya bersih dan terang di mana seolah-olah pada malam itu terdapat cahaya bulan yang menerangi, menenggelamkan cahaya-cahaya bintang (Soheh Ibnu Hibban, 3688, menurut Syeikh Syu’aib al-Arnaut; hadis soheh bisyawahidihi. Musnad Imam Ahmad; 22765, hasan).

4. Udaranya tidak terlalu panas, tidak terlalu sejuk (Soheh Ibnu Hibban, 3688, hadis soheh bisyawahidihi. Al-Jami’ as-Saghier; 7727, 7728, menurut as-Suyuti; hasan).

5. Tidak ada lontaran dari bintang pada malam itu hinggalah pagi (Al-Jami’ as-Saghier; 7727, hasan. Musnad Imam Ahmad; 22765, hasan).

6. Malamnya tidak berawan, tiada hujan dan tiada angin (Al-Jami’ as-Saghier; 7727). Menurut penjelasan al-Munawi; maksudnya ialah tidak bersangatan awan, hujan dan anginnya (tiada ribut) (Faidhul Qadier).

7. Pada paginya matahari muncul dengan cahaya yang lemah, sekata, berwarna kemerahan dan tanpa sinaran/pancaran yang menyucuk mata (Al-Jami’ as-Saghier; 7727, 7728, hasan. Musnad Imam Ahmad; 22765, hasan. Soheh Muslim; 762/220).

Namun yang penting pada malam al-qadar (lailatul qadar) ialah beramal pada malam tersebut. Berkata Imam al-Munawi; “Orang yang tidak dapat melihat tanda, tidak mesti dia tidak mendapat malam tersebut. Boleh jadi seorang yang bangun beribadah di malam itu, ia hanya dikurniakan Allah kesempatan beribadah, tanpa dapat melihat sebarang tandanya. Orang itu di sisi Allah lebih baik dan lebih mulia daripada orang yang hanya melihat tanda sahaja (tetapi tidak beribadah di malam tersebut)” (Faidhul Qadier; 7728).

sumber : Ustaz Ahmad Adnan Fadzil, 02 Ogs 2013